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Jillian | Class of 2017

In the hours leading up to this session we were texting back and forth and debating weather or not we should move forward with it. The clouds were rolling in, the weather channel told us things were not going to go in our favor, but the photographer in me was ecstatic at the challenge of shooting in a crazy storm and the unique art it had the potential to bring!

So we decided to take our chances and agreed we would schedule a reshoot if we got rained out and I am so happy we did! The lighting was interesting and soft, but moody. When the real thunderheads rolled in and the lightening started to crack we decided we had pushed our luck far enough so we started running back toward the cars. This sweet girl sacrificed dry clothes and hair to help me keep my gear safe and dry and we couldn't help but laugh and bond over the crazy adventure we had journeyed down.

I am so happy with the end results and am excited to share them with you all. Enjoy!

Do you have a 2017 Senior? Call me to set up your Senior session TODAY!



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