The Birth of a New Era
In true New Years fashion I have taken time to measure backward and look forward. I have set goals to help me reach new heights in my faith, my family life, and my career. Just as I got momentum on my new track I was hit by a (small) train. Ol' Betsy and I had been through so many great times. She had seen me through college term papers, a semester abroad she kept me in touch with all my loved ones, and she was there for my first ever Photoshop download at the beginning of my photography adventures. My computer (that's Betsy) was giving me the BLUE SCREEN of DEATH! My heart sank. It was the first true set back of 2016, but with the support of my better half, the Mac technical support technician who spent 2 hours on the phone with, the helpful guy at the Genius Bar in the store, and 14 hours of my time I am back up and running!
In an ode to Ol' Betsy I am so excited to share the last session she helped me edit. It is BEAUTIFUL. This is Allison. She is so gentle and kind and luckily she is willing to book with the crazy lady at the gym who stops her, tells her she is one of the cutest pregnant woman she's ever seen (true story), and asked her if she needed maternity photos. Turns out she was less than a week from her due date so we had to work fast! Like in NEXT MORNING fast. This session makes my heart sing and I hope you love it half as much as I do!
